Awesome 69ers

Einar Olsen  Charged with the task of moving the world to peace

Here’s Awesome 69er, Einar Olsen, who has an amazing life of meditation and spirituality.  Einar and his wife Mary Cathryn live in Iowa, working to rehabilitate 3.7 acres in the semi-country, which includes a 1910 barn. Einar and Mary Catherine’s lives have centered around "spiritual matters and their application to helping people and society solve problems and make progress." 

[Einar said it's semi-country’ but this Iowa big sky is his neighborhood and it looks very ‘country’ to me! - Mary E]

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Einar sent this update: 

We are still very focused on property improvement and development, especially have gotten involved in learning more about wood chips and mulching. We are involved with the Sierra Club and other horticultural and sustainability projects and groups.  The local coordinator of sustainability/permaculture projects lives next door and that has been a big boon. We hope to do a lot of projects together on our properties. An arborist friend of hers has bartered with me on a lot of projects.  I enjoy bartering work.  I've also been more involved in local politics (Repub for time being).

Einar and Mary Cathryn with face paint, having fun at an elementary school event

We're still doing 4 hrs/day of our advanced TM meditations, and have also gotten very involved with a spiritual healing recordings of an Australian spiritual healer named John Douglas. I had four 'miracle' healings last summer from that method, after I had an appendectomy w complications. The first miracle was when a hernia that had been caused by the operation vanished. 

Three dogs are also involved, so we are hearing more barking and fewer coyotes! I like the coyote yappings more than barking dogs, but the dogs are good for security, and for chasing deer and groundhogs away. I'm getting good at trapping groundhogs, which is relatively hard to do, as they are very smart.  

Last week was a big thrill - I met the world's leading tabla player (N. Indian classical drums), a super star named Zakir Hussain. His father was Ravi Shankar's tabla player (accompanist) and was the most well known tabla player of that previous generation. I was able to meet Zakir because my tabla teacher in India in college was also a student of Zakir's father, and I met his father and Ravi Shankar. Zakir was very gracious and embraced us. It was rather emotional; I have been dreaming to do this somehow for decades but didn't know how it could happen, but he came to our small town because we have a big fancy regional theater, and there are many meditators here interested in Indian music (Zakir has been a leader in world fusion music also).

Editor's note: Tabla maestro, Zakir Hussain, descends from generations of drummers in India

We plan on a big garden and are doing better and better as we learn more and more about gardening. Mary Cathryn cooks all our meals and has a big kitchen scene (I do the dishes, well I try). We do a lot of bulk purchasing and cold storage. We also go to a community potluck every Sunday lunch with about 2 dozen other people.  I'm finally exercising daily. Not long, but better than nothing. along with yoga postures twice daily as usual.

MC & Einar
Overall we're in good health, happy, with packed schedules. Mary Cathryn just had a partial cornea transplant in one eye along with cataract surgery, and we drove to Iowa City recently for a check up. Seems to be going well. Then she'll have the other eye done.  Mary Cathryn still has her part time bookkeeping job, which she had just started when we were with you all last (50 Reunion). She works from home, loves it and has gotten annual raises and works with women friends she has known for many years.  

Anyone is welcome to drop by.  Interstate 80 is just one hour north of us.

 -  Einar & Mary Cathryn

Our beautiful 1910 barn

A beautiful life, Einar! 
🙏 🙏 🙏   Thank you for being willing to share your achievements with all of us from the AHS Class of 1969   ...mary