Awesome 69ers

James von Tesmar   

Here is an Awesome ‘69er,  Jim von Tesmar, telling us tales of the sea and about a recent book.  Jim is our 6th Awesome 69er, but we have many more out there.  If you feel inspired to tell your story after reading Jim, please get in touch!   ….mary

From Jim von Tesmar:

“I skippered and crewed on the 43 foot boat called Scorpio. I sailed this Ashtabula boat in Florida in the Southern Ocean Racing Conference (SORC) regattas. She won or placed in most every race we sailed. We sailed out of Ashtabula. Every year we competed in races in Cleveland. The picture is of us in Florida.  The boat was trailered down there to race in the SORC series of races.  These begin in the Caribbean then mosey around to the Atlantic side racing from harbor to harbor. We even sailed to the Bahamas.”

Editor's note: A SORC regatta is “a prestigious race, considered one of the most challenging oceanic competitions, attracting 134+ boats, showcasing the spirit of competition and adventure across a demanding course.”  - from the website.

Scorpio sailed for years on Lake Erie and Florida Atlantic coastal waters winning and placing in most races entered. Sadly, she sank on the Florida shores near St Petersburg. Davey Jones enjoys riding her now.

A sad day: “It was during a hair-raising afternoon sail with the owner’s family. The day started pleasantly but the wind picked up to the point of needing to return to shore. To add to the bad weather they were heading to an alcove on the shore that was new to Scorpio and her crew. The wind is high, the waves are big and Davy Jones' Locker is dead ahead.

Without navigational instruments and in unknown waters the near future did not bode well. The boat hit the rocks and stuck fast. A hole was bashed into the side which immediately allowed water in. The rocks made the water shallow enough the boat did not sink but it did settle into its side. The crew had to sit on the hull of the boat waiting for rescue from the coast guard.  Scorpio was beaten to death on the rocks by the wind and the waves. All were saved and are able to tell the story.” (Jim was not on board that day)

This is the Scorpio.  

“I still race out of Ashtabula Yacht Club in Sunday races on the Tartan 34.”

This is the Tartan:

Jim’s recent project is a story book for his six grandchildren.  Jim says of his project:  “My new book IGGY TALES is being published in March/April of 2024.  It is a series of stories of a boy and his imaginary friend IGGY. Available @Amazon.”

From the book:  

A word from the author

I am a grandfather of six: Hugo, Selma, Winterton, Cecile, Penelope and Josephine.

These grandchildren come from among my four children: John, Lee, Jacq and Stephanie.

IGGY TALES is written specifically for my grandchildren. However, IGGY TALES is offered to children everywhere no matter

their age.

Everyone can enjoy these life-lesson tales.

It would be nice if these tales were autobiographical of my childhood. I wish all children could grow up as this boy is.

The warmth and understanding this family has is encouragement to all future and existing families.

Enjoy your reading.

Let your imagination soar.

Anderson L Yinger, the main illustrator is seven years old. He is a son, a brother, an artist, an actor and the future of our world.

Selma Emde, The Garden chapter illustrator is four years old. She is my granddaughter and sister to Hugo.

-James R von Tesmar 


There are many more von Tesmar stories we haven’t heard yet... other boats, other books.   Of course we can’t forget the fabulously warped productions, The Outdoorsers, starring Lark Bunting and Red Snapper, our guides to exploring the great outdoors.  Beloved classics!

Jim I love your stories and your way with words!  I’ll be looking for a copy of Iggy Tails next spring. Thank you for being willing to share with us. ....Mary