Mary Ellsworth -  Hello!

[2021 update]

For the month of September I drove the support car for a friend, Lynn Salvo, on her 2,064-mile bike ride down the Pacific coast (Canadian to Mexican borders).  If awarded, this trip will give Lynn her 3rd Guiness World Record, this one for being the oldest woman (at 72 yo) to bike the Pacific coast.  It was a once in a lifetime experience. 

[2013 update]
This year brought retirement in January, after 35 years at Gallaudet, and 6 prior to that teaching marine science. The education we got at Ashtabula High Sch and Kent State has taken me places. The photo, left, shows me on my last day of work setting out for home one last time. I was lucky to live a reasonable distance from work (7.5 miles) and so was able to commute by bicycle for the last 3 years, 3-5 days per week. This year I achieved my goal of 3,000 miles for the year. The challenge is going to be figuring out how to keep that up in retirement!

[2012 update]

In the summer of 2012, I had a great adventure -  I joined friends on a canoe trip down the Teslin and Yukon rivers in the Yukon Territory.  We did 230 miles over 8 days, from Johnson's Crossing to Little Salmon fishing village (just up river from Carmacks). We drank the water straight from the river and caught and ate fresh grayling cooked over our campfire. We saw no bears, unfortunately. 


[2009]  After Kent State I taught marine science in Lewes, DE and Wallops Island, VA, and finally ended up teaching science at the high school at Gallaudet University. I taught for 30 years, until last June when I moved to a management position in the same program, which is a whole new world but I like it just fine.